A Call to Agency in a Toxic World


We had a semester on “Environmental medicine” in Naturopathic medical school, but a much more appropriate term would have been “Environmental exposures.” My colleagues and I usually left these lectures feeling overwhelmed and powerless. I could write volumes on the way pesticides, radiation, and various chemicals in our environment and foods have insidiously taxed our bodies and planet over time (keep an eye out for clean, personal care recommendations coming soon!). And people have. In fact, in his groundbreaking work, “The End of Alzheimer’s,” Dr. Dale E Bredesen argues that toxic exposure is one of main three processes that results in Alzheimer’s disease (ie. the body’s own protective response to a toxic world gone awry). It would seem that this information would cause RED FLAGS EVERYWHERE in the synthetic chemical industry, but alas, here we are. From the way we have extremely medicalized birth yet continue to have the worst infant mortality rates of a developed nation, to the fact that we spend literal trillions of dollars in healthcare expenses annually but are so chronically ill and getting sicker. AND I wouldn’t even be into the emotional and psychological stress that incurs as a result of day to day deeply rooted toxic masculine capitalism across the US. The fortunate and unfortunate truth, as the case has always been, is that you MUST be an advocate for your own health.  

No one else is going to save you. This is the hard truth. Most of us that have been “sick” for a long time with no answers arrive here out of desperation. At this point, your inherent life interest must come before that of others (Ie. You need to put on your own oxygen mask first or else you run the risk of being absolutely no help to others at all). This does NOT mean that you can’t take precautions to help protect others. Doing so in unity can bring more love into the world and due to long-standing systemic structures of racism and oppression, a failure to do so would be potentially leaving our most marginalized and traumatized community members behind. But we must do so with the understanding that ultimately, it is your body’s terrain/immune system that is going to determine how you respond to whatever adversity you face (pesticide, heavy metal exposure, family death, illness, trauma etc). [Note, most research now agrees that only ~ 20% of what makes us healthy is genetic, and around 70% stems from a healthy lifestyle/environment.] Trust me, taking ownership of my actions and emotions (exposures are not limited to the physical) was no easy task, but inevitably, the work enabled me to see how my physical manifestations were related to my behavior, both mentally and physically. 

Thus, an extremely empowering implication of this science is that you can start to take control of your health and mitigate exposure(s), even if it is through 3 intentional deep belly breaths, 5 times a day, to reign in your sympathetic nervous system. Deep belly breaths help get your cortisol, the stress hormone, under control. Regardless of circumstance, no positive action or movement comes from a pessimistic outlook (hence the whole field of positive psychology- there is literally a happiness advantage in life). We also know that beyond a certain threshold, financial success does not create happiness. So instead, try striving for you, for your own inner peace; let self-awareness and joy be your compass. These realizations are the elements that brought me out of ‘The planet is f**ked and so are we’ mindset and into action. The practice of tuning inwards takes practice and diligent effort, but what a better time to start being less reactive and inflamed than the present. The more we do this work as individuals, the more we can broaden our collective consciousness and bring ourselves to a place of social, economic, and environmental justice. We have to see it to fix it. And sometimes, we have to feel it before we see it.  

If you happen to be one of the few that has cruised through life with no health challenges, keep it up my friend. Somethings working and it might be your privilege (though you can certainly be privileged and sick) or your rather reluctant capacity to give up joy 🤷🏽‍♀️(which is why we struggle to compare two unique individuals’ health statuses in an algorithmic fashion) and honestly, either one would likely warrant some fruitful discussion. But if you’re like so many people I meet - you’re foggy, losing hair or experiencing skin issues, lethargic, perhaps in pain, depressed or anxious, or you have digestive symptoms of some sort. Or maybe you experience it all. 

You don’t have to live like that. Common does not equal healthy

And yet, there is no secret. Our bodies know how to heal when provided the right substrate, even in a toxic environment.   

Foundations of health/THINGS THAT HEAL

·  sunshine

·  clean air

·  sufficient, quality sleep

·  intentional deep breaths & mindfulness

·  clean, whole foods (non-processed) *non-organic produce is better than a diet lacking produce at all 

·  clean water 

·  physical movement / exercise

·  time in nature 

·  community

·  spending time doing activities that add value and joy into your life (hobbies, sports, travel, music, etc)

Maybe you can only breathe with more intention right now and that is okay. But know that you have the capacity to heal (when you are ready), and that you are not a powerless victim of this toxic world that, for the most part, you did not create.  

I’m also here to help and be your advocate ! If you’re interested in chatting more, visit my link to book a consult where we’ll discuss allll the things (including, but not limited to, areas of reducing your environmental exposure(s) and optimizing your beautiful physiology).

amy tarquini